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Thomas Albright, PhD. (he/him/his)

Associate Professor
Nevada State Climatologist (Interim)
Department of Geography &
Program in Ecology, Evolution, & Conservation Biology
University of Nevada, Reno


Mailstop 0154
104A (office)/209 (lab) Mackay Science Hall
Reno, NV 89557

Office: (775) 784-6673
Lab: (775) 784-6671
Fax: (775) 784-1058

Email: talbright [at]

Professor Albright's departmental page

Recent CV


ResearchGate Profile

Professional interests: 

Biogeography, landscape ecology, climate change, conservation, ecoclimatology, avian ecology, biotic invasions, remote sensing, active learning

Other fun:

Biking, music (playing and listening), birding, cooking, languages, tennis, soccer, games

Academic and Professional Background (selected):
  • Fulbright Scholar / Visiting Professor, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Managua, Nicaragua, 2017

  • Associate Editor, Diversity and Distributions, 2016-

  • Postdoc, Dept. of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007-2010

  • Ph.D., Zoology (Integrative Biology), University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2007

  • Senior Scientist/Contractor, United States Geological Survey, 2000-2007

  • M.A. Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1997

  • B.S. Geography and Cartography/GIS, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1993

Selected Publications (out of 27; * = supervised postdoc or advisee):
  • Albright, TP, D Mutiibwa*, AR Gerson, EK Smith, WA Talbot, JJ O'Neill, AE Mckechnie, BO Wolf, 2017, Mapping evaporative water loss in desert passerines reveals an expanding threat of lethal dehydration, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1613625114.

  • Sadoti G*, TP Albright, K Johnson, 2017, Applying dynamic species distribution modelling to lek-mating species, Journal of Biogeography, 44(1):75-87, doi:10.1111/jbi.12886.

  • Wilson JM, W Brediger*, TP Albright, J Smith-Gagen, 2016, Reanalysis of the anthrax epidemic in Rhodesia, 1978–1984, PeerJ, 4:e2686 DOI 10.7717/peerj.2686 

  • Behnke, R, SJ Vavrus, A Allstadt, TP Albright, W Thogmartin, V Radeloff, 2016, Evaluation of downscaled, gridded climate data for the conterminous United States, Ecological Applications, 26(5):1338-1351, 10.1002/15-1061

  • Mutiibwa, D*, SJ Vavrus, SA McAfee, TP Albright, 2015, Recent Spatio-temporal patterns in Temperature Extremes across Conterminous United States. J of Geophys. Res. - Atmospheres, 120(15), 7378-7392.

  • Albright, TP, AM Pidgeon, CD Rittenhouse, MK Clayton, CH Flather, PD Culbert, & VC Radeloff, 2011, Heat waves measured with MODIS land surface temperature data predict changes in avian community structure, Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(1)245-254, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.08.024.    

  • Albright TP, AM Pidgeon, CD Rittenhouse, MK Clayton, CH Flather, PD Culbert, BD Wardlow, & VC Radeloff, 2010, Effects of drought on avian community structure, Global Change Biology 16:2158-2170, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02120.x.

  • Albright, TP, TG Moorhouse, & TJ McNabb, 2004, The rise and fall of water hyacinth in Lake Victoria and the Kagera River Basin, 1989-2001, Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 42:73-84.

© 2020 by Tom Albright. Enjoyably (mostly) created with

All imagery by Tom Albright, unless otherwise stated. Please send an e-mail  to talbright [at] if you're interested in using any of the photography or have any questions or comments.

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